HypeCrew TM Cryptocurrency
Similiar to Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Uniswap and other Crypto’s , HypeCrew TM available for Limited-Edition Cryptocurrency to purchases of HypeCrew TM gear. It will be issued on a one per one basis. Buy one piece of merchandise, and you will get one token.
As Crypto meme tokens soar in value, with Bitcoin hitting over $60,000 per token having 21 million potential coins, our limited edition should be a nice addition to the Crypto Landscape.
So, if you are someone who trades crypto, buys crypto, or invests in Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Defi tokens, Oracle tokens, Meme tokens and more, watch out for HypeCrew TM token!http://www.hypecrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hypecrew-Crypto-Coin.mp4